Sunday, October 14, 2018

More NaNo Thoughts

There is no magic pill.

I am not lecturing anyone, I am lecturing myself.

The one good thing about NaNoWriMo for me is that it forces me to be accountable to others while I am doing it. 

I have sent out about ten messages on the NaNo page to people but very few reply.  Some of them will be weirded out by a random message perhaps, even if they did indicate they were looking for one...Too bad.  But worse is that many of them are never read at all.

Some pop on the NaNo page and discuss how excited they are to get writing and ... well... they never check in again.  Too bad. Again.

There is a lot of potential out there... a lot of writers that just need a habit to come back to.  That is the perk of the NaNo page. 

I tell them in my message that I am certainly no expert.  NaNo is the thing that had me writing at all for a while.  And coming back to that site to check in was a good habit to get started on.  But alas, perhaps they know a hypocrite when they see one :)

But back to the magic pill.

Sports, school, life?  It is all the same.  There is a lot of suffering and a lot of misery out there.  A good bunch of it we create ourselves.  I sure have created a lot of my own angst: almost all of it from writing and not writing enough.  But most of the aspiring writers want to be told that there is a magic method. There isn't one.  Unless sitting your rear in a chair and clicking keys counts.  Then there is the magic pill.

Who am I telling this to?  Myself mostly. :)

NaNo... Check it out...

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