Then there are other things we can analyze.
Ink or computer?
There is a scratching beauty to ink - Sharpie pens are scratchy like a pencil and makes a person feel like they are inking their way to immortality. Then looking down at pages of work and realizing - I DID THAT.
It is easier to pen. "pen the story" When I do play around with writing, such as this little blog thing I pretend to do, it is easier to pen things down first, Once I put the pen down and the ink does its bleeding thing, there is a rhythm to things. Only when I put pen to paper do the words really flow, but I fear to lift my pen in case the words suddenly stop
When I type it, it is too easy to pause, to reflect for a moment on words I have written and stop writing I think, but thinking means the writing has stopped. The pen is almost easier to control, at least in terms of word count.
I will not claim that muse has visited me in those moments when the pen scratches across the page, but at least she looked my way, She shook her head, maybe flipped me off, but SHE LOOKED. The fear now, when the pen is in full gush, that the knock comes on the door, the text message buzzes away, a voice calls from another room. These things all break the spell (as the cliche says).
As long as the pen stays on paper, the words will come. Random, often meaningless, but they are words, and oh how those words give you something to stare at after an hour and feel like something was done.
So why don't I write? Well, when I look back and the words a couple of days later, I realize there may have been a lot of feathers, but not much chicken (yup, I ended with a Kim Mitchell reference).
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